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Mr. Zee's Resources

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Welcome! I am a Business, Economics and Psychology teacher working in London, examining for GCSE & A-Level and providing high quality resources so your students can enjoy and thrive in the study of these beautiful subjects. Positive reviews are much appreciated. School purchase orders can be emailed to zee.tes@hotmail.com - Zee




Welcome! I am a Business, Economics and Psychology teacher working in London, examining for GCSE & A-Level and providing high quality resources so your students can enjoy and thrive in the study of these beautiful subjects. Positive reviews are much appreciated. School purchase orders can be emailed to zee.tes@hotmail.com - Zee
4.6 How to sell the good or service - OCR Cambridge National in Enterprise and Marketing R067 (2022)

4.6 How to sell the good or service - OCR Cambridge National in Enterprise and Marketing R067 (2022)

This lesson introduces learners to how goods/services can be sold to customers through two main channels - physical and digital. We discuss the recent growth in digital channels with some charts before looking at examples of different channels plus their pros and cons. MCQ, short exam style question, debate question and a box plenary to finish with. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! Thank you 4.6 How to sell the good or service to the consumer
TA4 Creating a marketing mix - OCR Cambridge National in Enterprise and Marketing R067 (2022)

TA4 Creating a marketing mix - OCR Cambridge National in Enterprise and Marketing R067 (2022)

TA4 Creating a marketing mix to support a product This set of resources includes 8x PPTs which can be delivered over around 12 lessons (100s of slides with engaging and interactive learning plus sheets for students) This bundle covers: 4.1 and 4.2 The marketing mix elements for a good/service and how they work together - double lesson 4.3 Types of advertising medium used to attract and retain customers and the appropriateness of each - double lesson 4.4 Sales promotion techniques used to attract and retain customers and the appropriateness of each - double lesson 4.5 Public relations - double lesson 4.6 How to sell the good/service to the consumer 4.7 The product lifecycle 4.8 Extension strategies for products in the product lifecycle and the appropriateness of each 4.9 and 4.10 Pricing strategies (factors to consider and types of strategies) Lessons include activities such as matching tasks, kinaesthetic walk around the class tasks, real life examples, videos, MCQs, research tasks, exam style questions, box plenaries and kahoots. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! Thank you
4.8 Extension strategies - OCR Cambridge National in Enterprise and Marketing R067 (2022)

4.8 Extension strategies - OCR Cambridge National in Enterprise and Marketing R067 (2022)

This free lesson develops students’ understanding from the previous lesson on the product life cycle and now introduces learners to various extension strategies that can be used to lengthen the life of a product. We look at the advantages and disadvantages of each strategy - this can be done with a kinaesthetic task where students walk around the class and note down the pros and cons of the different strategies on their sheet (quite a few to remember and not so fun to write it all down from the board). Some consolidation questions before finishing with a box plenary. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! Thank you 4.8 Extension strategies for products in the product lifecycle and the appropriateness of each
LO3 Plan for change, manage change and overcome barriers - CTEC Business Unit 15 Change Management

LO3 Plan for change, manage change and overcome barriers - CTEC Business Unit 15 Change Management

This 7 lesson bundle covers: L8 Ways to plan for, and manage change part 1 L9-10 Ways to plan for, and manage change part 2 L11-12 Ways to plan for, and manage change part 3 L13-14 Possible barriers to change All you need - open the powerpoint, run through it, and deliver quality lessons whilst saving precious time. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! - all files in zip folder. Thank you
TA5 Factors to consider when starting up - OCR CNAT in Enterprise & Marketing R067 (2022)

TA5 Factors to consider when starting up - OCR CNAT in Enterprise & Marketing R067 (2022)

TA5 Factors to consider when starting up and running an enterprise This set of resources includes 3x PPTs which can be delivered over around 5 lessons (lots of slides with engaging and interactive learning) This bundle covers: 5.1 Appropriate forms of ownership for business start-ups - double lesson 5.2 Source(s) of capital for business start-ups and expansion - double lesson 5.3 Support for enterprise Lessons include activities such as matching tasks, real life examples, videos, MCQs, research tasks, exam style questions, box plenaries and kahoots. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! Thank you
LO1 Drivers of change - OCR Cambridge Technical Business Unit 15 Change Management

LO1 Drivers of change - OCR Cambridge Technical Business Unit 15 Change Management

This 3 lesson bundle covers: L1-2 Drivers of change (External and internal) L3 Drivers of change cont. We look at the various drivers of change that businesses might need to adapt to and manage. Lots of real life examples. An exam style question to build confidence with the 16 markers. All you need - open the powerpoint, run through it, and deliver quality lessons whilst saving precious time. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! - all files in zip folder. Thank you
OCR Cambridge Technicals Business Unit 15 Change Management

OCR Cambridge Technicals Business Unit 15 Change Management

5 Resources
This bundle for CTEC Business Unit 15 Change Management is the ultimate pack for teachers delivering this course. New for 2022 with purposeful, engaging and colourful slides. The highest quality, unrivalled lesson experiences from start to finish. Filled with a variety of activities such as case studies similar in style to the resource booklets, exam style questions and answers, debates, MCQs, research task, video clips kahoot quizzes and more. All you need - open the powerpoint, run through it, and deliver quality lessons whilst saving precious time. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! - all files in zip folder. Thank you
LO5 Use data to monitor change management in businesses - OCR Cambridge Technical Business Unit 15

LO5 Use data to monitor change management in businesses - OCR Cambridge Technical Business Unit 15

In this double lesson, we start by discussing how change can be monitored for students in their learning, we then start applying this discussion to businesses. We go through different types of quantitative and qualitative data that could come up in resource 2 for the 16 marker before roleplaying a change mangaement meeting. Students then prepare a presentation on monitoring the change management process before attempting a 16 mark question. Peer assessment grid and indicative content given to help students reflect on improving their answers. We finish off with a debate, box plenary and a kahoot quiz. All you need - open the powerpoint, run through it, and deliver quality lessons whilst saving precious time. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! - all files in zip folder. Thank you
LO4 Impacts of change on businesses and stakeholders - OCR CTEC Business Unit 15 Change Management

LO4 Impacts of change on businesses and stakeholders - OCR CTEC Business Unit 15 Change Management

In this lesson, we look at the impacts of change on businesses, such as changes to the product life cycle, R&D, training and more. We then look at the impacts of change initiatives on various stakeholder groups. A short exam style question and a task looking at the impact on stakeholders of Heathrow’s third runway. All you need - open the powerpoint, run through it, and deliver quality lessons whilst saving precious time. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! - all files in zip folder. Thank you
4.1.2 Specialisation and trade - Theme 4 Edexcel A Level Economics

4.1.2 Specialisation and trade - Theme 4 Edexcel A Level Economics

This double lesson introduces learners to the concept of specialisation with an emphasis on comparative advantage. We start by looking at what specialisation is with examples of what some countries specialise in. We then look at a basic example of two countries producing two goods to really break down the concept of absolute and comparative advantage in an engaging way. We then look at this could be illustrated on a diagram. Some short answer exam questions for consolidation. We then look at the assumptions this model makes before having a break. We then look at a case study on Brazil, an exam style question with a model answer to peer assess using the marking grid. We finish off with a box plenary. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! Thank you
3.6.5 Improving employer-employee relations - AQA A Level Business

3.6.5 Improving employer-employee relations - AQA A Level Business

Learners are introduced to different forms of employee representation such as trade unions, work councils and employee committees. We look at each, with videos for contextualisation, a research task and 4 mark question with a model answer. A kahoot quiz on various topics from year 1 as this is the last lesson. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! Thank you
AQA A Level Business - 3.6 Human resource management

AQA A Level Business - 3.6 Human resource management

This set of resources includes 6x PPTs which can be delivered over 9 lessons and 5x word files consisting of exam practice and activities. 3.6.1 Setting human resource objectives - 1 lesson 3.6.2 Analysing human resource performance - 2 lessons 3.6.3 Improving organisational design - 3 lessons 3.6.4 Improving motivation and engagement - 2 lessons 3.6.5 Improving employer-employee relations - 1 lessons Filled with a variety of activities, real life examples, case studies, exam questions, model answers, marking grids so students can self/peer assess to identify WWW and EBI with their responses before making improvements. Kahoot quizzes and box plenaries to consolidate learning in an engaging way. All you need - open the powerpoint, run through it, and deliver quality lessons whilst saving precious time. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! - all files in zip folder. Thank you Note: The purpose of this upload is to bundle it with the rest of the AQA A Level Business year 1 lessons (max 20 per bundle)
Edexcel A Level Economics Theme 4 - 4.1 International Economics

Edexcel A Level Economics Theme 4 - 4.1 International Economics

9 Resources
This 14 lesson bundle covers: 4.1.1 Globalisation - double lesson 4.1.2 Specialisation and trade - double lesson 4.1.3 Pattern of trade 4.1.4 Terms of trade 4.1.5 Trading blocs and WTO - double lesson 4.1.6 Restrictions on free trade - double lesson 4.1.7 Balance of payments 4.1.8 Exchange rates - double lesson 4.1.9 International competitiveness Filled with real life examples/videos, activities, debates and kahoot quizzes to build and consolidate learning in an engaging way. All you need - open the powerpoint, run through it, and deliver quality lessons whilst saving precious time. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! - all files in zip folder. Thank you
4.1.1 Globalisation - Theme 4 Edexcel A Level Economics

4.1.1 Globalisation - Theme 4 Edexcel A Level Economics

This double lesson introduces learners to the world of globalisation. We start by looking at what globalisation is, with examples of the UKs trade with other countries. We look at causes of globalisation such as containerisation and others. Students research the impacts of globalisation on countries, governments, consumers, producers and the environment before filling in any gaps in knowlege on the following slides. We also look at some video case studies of Nike and Apple to better understand the pros and cons of globaslisation. A box plenary to finish with. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! Thank you
Edexcel A Level Economics YEAR 2 (Theme 3 & 4)

Edexcel A Level Economics YEAR 2 (Theme 3 & 4)

20 Resources
This bundle for Edexcel’s A Level Economics Year 2 Bundle is the ultimate pack for teachers delivering this course to year 13s. New for 2022 with engaging and colourful slides. The highest quality, unrivalled lesson experiences from start to finish. Particularly ideal for non-specialists and a great refresher for more experienced teachers. Filled with real life examples, video case studies to develop key skills of knowledge, application, analysis and evaluation. Step-by-step animated diagrams so it easy to teach and easy for students to learn. Please have a look at individual files to see previews. Fully editable PowerPoints linked to specification Engaging video case studies to stimulate thinking Differentiated learning objectives based on bloom’s taxonomy Do now activities to settle learners straight away Provoking starters to hook students into lessons A range and variety of activities with answers Kahoots and pick a box plenaries to end on a high Produced by a teacher and examiner since the launch of this specification All you need - open the powerpoint, run through it, and deliver quality lessons whilst saving precious time. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! - all files in zip folder. Thank you Edexcel A Level Economics A
Edexcel A Level Economics Theme 4 (COMPLETE COURSE)

Edexcel A Level Economics Theme 4 (COMPLETE COURSE)

20 Resources
New for 2022, this bundle for Edexcel’s A Level Economics Theme 4 is the ultimate pack for teachers delivering this course. Captivating powerpoints, the highest quality, unrivalled lesson experiences from start to finish. Filled with real life examples, video case studies to really bring this theme to life. Please have a look at individual files to see previews. All you need - open the powerpoint, run through it, and deliver quality lessons whilst saving precious time. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! - all files in zip folder. 4.1.9 International competitiveness lesson can be found in the shop as a free lesson (bundles limited to 20 resources which is why it’s not bundled here) Thank you Theme 4 - A Global Perspective
Edexcel GCSE Business Knowledge book (Interactive PDF)

Edexcel GCSE Business Knowledge book (Interactive PDF)

2 Resources
The new Edexcel GCSE Business knowledge book is ready to use! The ultimate resource for knowledge retrieval - completely aligned with the specification requirements. This resource includes: Theme 1 knowledge workbook + answer book Theme 2 knowledge workbook + answer book 50 bright, colourful pages with images to help students make links 103 areas of the spec tested A traffic light checklist for students at the bottom of each page to use as a revision resource once completed This can be used in a variety of ways, for example: Send electronically to all students to work from rather than print (most cost effective) Teacher can request this to be printed in an A4 or A5 booklet and hand out to class Use as homework after each lesson or take time at the end of each lesson to complete the relevant page. Theme 1 and 2 are also available individually.
Edexcel A Level Business Paper 1 Interactive Knowledge Book (Theme 1 & Theme 4)

Edexcel A Level Business Paper 1 Interactive Knowledge Book (Theme 1 & Theme 4)

2 Resources
The new Edexcel A Level Business PAPER 1 Knowledge book is complete! The ultimate resource for knowledge retrieval for paper 1 - completely aligned with the specification requirements. This resource includes: • Theme 1 knowledge workbook + answer book (interactive PDF) • Theme 4 knowledge workbook + answer book (interactive PDF) • 50 bright, colourful pages in total with images to help students make links • 113 areas of paper 1 knowledge tested • A traffic light checklist for students at the bottom of each page to use as a revision resource once completed This can be used in a variety of ways, for example: • Send electronically/upload for students to type into rather than print (most cost effective) • Teacher can request this to be printed in an A4 or A5 booklet and hand out to class • Use as homework after each lesson or take time at the end of each lesson to complete the relevant page
Edexcel A Level Business Theme 2- 2.2 Financial planning

Edexcel A Level Business Theme 2- 2.2 Financial planning

4 Resources
This 6-8 lesson bundle covers: 2.2.1 Sales forecasting - 1 lesson 2.2.2 Sales, revenue and costs - 2-3 lessons 2.2.3 Break-even - 2-3 lessons 2.2.4 Budgets - 1 lesson Filled with real life examples, case studies, questions, concise model answers to improve exam practice and kahoot quizzes to consolidate learning in an engaging way. All you need - open the powerpoint, run through it, and deliver quality lessons whilst saving precious time. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! - all files in zip folder. Thank you